Friday, July 8, 2011

Eye for an eye

Lately in discussions regarding the Casey Anthony thing, I have heard the phrase "Well I believe in an eye for an eye..." as if that means something or is even pertinent to the discussion at hand. When I hear this I want to respond with "Oh did we somehow go back in time 4,000 years? Is this Ancient Babylonia? Are we worshiping Marduk and should I prepare a pleasing sacrifice?"

Modern societies, progressive and free societies do not adhere to the Hammurabic Code anymore. The laws of modern, progressive, free societies have become more subtle and nuanced with reagrds to criminal law, reflecting what we know about human behavior, and it si really for the better. An eye for an eye was a good start for law, it was a foundation. But since then society has evolved, and modern law is to an eye for an eye as a modern human is to it's single celled ancestor.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yeah i am a lazy blogger, but here are my thoughts on this Casey Anthony verdict

Well the Casey Anthony trial just ended. Not guilty. And before I go on a rant here let me say, I think she may have done it.

But I am glad she was found Not Guilty. Here is why: When a prosecutor brings a death penalty case, or any case for that matter to court they have to have irrefutable evidence. It is their failure to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt that led to this verdict. PERIOD. It doesn't matter how the public felt, it doesn't matter what the media felt. If the prosecution cannot prove their case, the accused, whether they committed the crime or not should be acquitted. This is the price of a free society. And it is a heavy one.

If you find that this is not justice, then I politely invite you to go live in North Korea or China. There a prosecutor doesn't have to prove a damn thing. There if your accuser is a representative of the government you are guilty, regardless of the fact that you actually committed the crime or not.

I myself like the fact that our justice system works the way it works. I prefer a justice system that lets off 100 guilty people rather than convicting a single innocent person (which, unfortunately, happens anyway).

Friday, April 29, 2011

Two things I am sick of hearing about

It's been a while and if I have managed to not lose all of my readers, all one of you,  I would like to take the opportunity to apologize to him/her. Sorry.

There are two things that the "news" media has been pumping out non fucking stop for the last couple of weeks and really I wish it would stop, for serial. One is this whole Trump/Birther campaign that is frankly nauseating and the other is this Royal Wedding as if it had any relevance to the lives of anyone outside of the UK.

Let's tackle this Trump thing. Is it possible for the American "news" media to embarrass itself any further than it already has done by putting this squirrel haired moron in the spotlight, and actually giving him some credence? The answer to that is obviously no. After Trump (hopefully) fades into reality TV obscurity once again, there will be another national humiliation spotlighted by American "news" media outlets. Why in the hell do we give this moron a stage to spout what amounts to basically is a sort of modern day Jim Crowism? I mean to call into question the presidents qualifications in regards to his citizenship is just like the racist voting regulations that African Americans were subjected to in the late 19th and early to mid 20th century. How have we not got past this? Are privileged white men really that ignorant? And then just like they did back in the "good ole' days" Trump moves the goalposts. What a fucking jackass! This shit is just so full of stupid and racism it makes that vein in my head makes the two Negro-Bots from the Transformers sequel look perfectly racially progressive. And the thing is, he's NOT GOING TO RUN! I guarantee it. This is a publicity stunt. He is, as Obama said in his speech when he released his long form certificate, a carnival barker. All talk no action. If he does run, however, he will quickly drop out I am almost assured of it.

All that aside, what has Donald Trump really accomplished? He is a real estate "mogul" with three bankruptcies under his belt. And the guy owned CASINOS! Those places practically print money! Oh he has a successful TV show, right I forgot that. But really do people tune in to see him glare and say "You're Fired!" in that obnoxious voice of his or do they tune in to see D-list celebs make utter asses of themselves? I say it's the latter. You could put a trained monkey up there on that "Board of Directors" or whatever the fuck it is, and the ratings will be the same as long as those "celebs" keep having meltdowns. And all this tough talk about China and the Middle East, veiled threats and demands. Yeah that's not how it works Donny boy, you see the government is so deeply in bed with the oil producers that no you can't just march over there and make veiled threats and demands and not have them laugh their asses off at your retarded comb over. How it works is this: they fund your campaign through various oil company and energy PACS, you invest your private money in their businesses, and boom you make legislative concessions that favor deregulation and tax breaks and screw over the real Americans you claim to represent. That's how business is done in Washington and it uh well it sorta works? Actually it won't in the long run but who cares? 10 more custom sports cars and five more homes for every wealthy American and politician heavily entrenched in oil money. YAY! Cause he who dies with the most stuff WINS! The Donald....FUCK YOU! Stop making the US look stupid by keeping your fucking mouth shut and save your opinions for that redonkulous, Lowest Common Denominator reality show PLEASE!!!!!! Yeah I know, pissing in the wind. This horse and pony show will never end.

One horse and pony show that will, thankfully, end after today is the wedding of Kate and whatisface....oh William. Yeah the media talks more about her and how beautiful blah blah blah etc she is and barely mentions him. Either way I am trying not to give a fuck. But it gets very hard not to. Because I see every bubbly, blond "news" bobblehead blabbing about it. OK I should chill it's almost over.

Anyway Game of Thrones airs in Costa Rica next week (May 8th how fucked is that?!?) so I do have something to look forward to. I have been fortunate enough to see the first episode as I was in the states when it aired and I must say "MWAH!" it is scrumtrulescent! Go watch it! HBO rules!

EDIT- I just realized this (because I am a half wit): When Douche bag Donald  is asking for Obama's transcripts, what he is really insinuating is that Obama got into Harvard because of affirmative action and not on his own merit.....HOLY SHIT THIS DICK COULDN'T GET ANY MORE RACIST, EVEN IF HE PUT ON A WHITE CLOAK AND WENT "A-LYNCHING NEGRAS WHAT TOUCHED THAT THERE WHITE GIRL!"

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I hate everything

Kill it !!!! Kill it !!!! Make it die!!!!!

Thank you ever so much Hollywood for once again dipping into the well of great movies from my childhood and remaking them. This can only be due to utter contempt for your audience and no shame. Gotta fund that champagne and coke lifestyle.  I would like to say this is due to a lack of original ideas in Hollywood, but alas that really isn't the case. Original ideas are killed every single day in Hollywood. And if any independent company decides to use one for a film outside the Hollywood system, they kill it with the MPAA.

I don't even want to touch the Batman reboot already being talked about, even BEFORE THE FUCKING DARK KNIGHT RISES IS FILMED!!!!!!!!! Yeah not gonna touch it, I am out of blood pressure medicine.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The 2012 Election

Well the religio-TeaBagger-Rethuglican stupidity continues and you know what it will make for both a hilarious and yet sad election.

Newt Gingrich has thrown his hat into the ring and had this to say about why:
"I have two grandchildren: Maggie is 11; Robert is 9," Gingrich said at Cornerstone Church here. "I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time they're my age they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American."

If ever there is a truly facepalm worthy statement, that is it.

And lest we forget the other theistard considering a run, Michelle Bachmann .

You know what, I am not as scared as most Americans should be. If either of these two gets elected, I can always run back down here to Costa Rica.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I have known about this for a while now

But I always thought, nay hoped, it would die in development hell....but apparently not and they have gone ahead with casting the Akira live action movie.

Fuck you Hollywood, fuck you very much.